There are multiple ways how to reach us. We have prepared instructions on easiest and fastest way to reach us, depending on which direction you are coming from or which transportation option you use.
Address: Dragutina Domjanića 38, 10363 Belovar, Hrvatska
The nearest airport is dr. Franjo Tuđman Airport in Zagreb (Velika Gorica). It is 17km far from Zagreb city center, and 21 kilometers from our headquarter in Adamovec.
The fastest way to come to Adamovec is by taxi or rental car. Both are available at the airport.
If you travel through Hungary, choose the Goričan-Letenye border crossing, then follow E65 to the Popovec highway exit. After that, follow direction to Belovar, and the road signs to Adamovec.
If you come from Slovenia (direction north from Zagreb), we suggest you cross the country border at Macelj border crossing, then follow highway E59, E70, and E65 all the way to the Popovec highway exit. After you take off the highway there are just a few more kilometers left to our headquarter in Adamovec. Follow the road to Belovar and road signs to Adamovec.
If you come from the eastern part of Europe be sure to follow E70 all the way to Ivanja Reka, then switch to E65. After that, you get off the highway at Popovec, follow the road to Belovar and road signs to Adamovec.
If you travel from the western part of Europe you may choose Pasjak or Rupa border crossing, after that we suggest you follow E61 to Orehovica (Rijeka suburb) and switch to E65 which will take you straight to the Zagreb city bypass (also E65). Follow the highway to Popovec where you take off the highway and follow the road signs to Belovar, and Adamovec.
If you like to travel by train, you have that option too, but you will have to combine it with a taxi.
The first option is to take a train to Zagreb main station, and after you take off the train, you can call a taxi to Adamovec.
The second one is to take off the train at Sesvete train station, and then you take a taxi to Adamovec. Be sure to check does your train stops at Sesvete station.